First of all, a massive thank you to the lovely people at Sea Lion books for giving me a copy to review!
I hadn't heard anything about this before receiving a review copy so it came as quite a nice surprise when I found myself completely wrapped up in the story!
This issue follows Brent Marks who on paper seems like the typical high school kid, that is until the reader discovers he is a Vitro and doesn't have the brain of a typical high school kid!
In this issue you see a glimpse of a typical day in Brent's life, which is quickly turned completely upside down when a factory explodes and Vitros are to blame, making the entire world declare war on the Vitros.
I don't want to give too much of the plot-line away, but lets just say I am now well and truly hooked on this series!
I cannot wait for the next issue to find out what is going to happen next!
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