Author: Cara Lynn Shultz
Release Date: 27th March 2012
Date I finished it: 9th April 2012
Source: ARC from Netgalley

Spellcaster is the second book in the Spellbound series by Cara Lynn Shcultz.
I started reading this as soon as I finished the first book Spellbound, I really fell hard for this series and it's amazing characters.
The Spellbound world is a mix of Gossip Girl and magic. Two of my favourite things! I'll admit I've been hooked on this series from page one, and Emma and Brendan's roller-coaster relationship only adds to the drama in this book.
This time around someone is out to hurt Emma and use her blood for their own freaky spell. Time is ticking away fast, and it is up to the group of friends to figure out who is behind all these attacks and stop them before it's too late.
In Spellcaster we get to see a bit more of the characters we were introduced to in Spellbound. This time around we are seeing more of what makes them tick and who they really are. I really liked getting to know more about the history of Emma and Brendan's curse and more about their past lives as they slowly start to remember bits and pieces.
I enjoy knowing the characters I'm reading about inside and out, so for me this was a great addition to the main story line.
Plot wise, there was a few unexpected twists and turns in the book. I wasn't completely shocked at them though, which is probably the only reason this book got a 4 star rating instead of 5.
Those "oh my gosh" moments you get when reading, just wasn't there in this book for me.
However the plot twists were still really good, I've just read better in the past.
Overall I really did love this book, and this series so far.
I'm really looking forward to reading more about Emma in the future. I will definitely be sticking with this series!
I've been meanig to start this series especially now that 2 books are out. I'm glad the sequel was good too I'm down for Gossip Girl comparable books! :)
ReplyDeleteOh I need to read this soon.
ReplyDeleteI know most of you don't believe in anything at all and yes you have the right so this is mostly for those who want to get their spouse back. I can tell that all those post you read, like five way to get your ex back doesn't really work or maybe it does works for some of you but for me, it was nonsense rather it complicated my love life problem. My boyfriend who was in love with me as much as i was in love with him broke up with me after the birth of our child.The only help i got was from AJAYI OLOLO a spell caster.Only his method of spell casting out of all the other ways on how to get your ex back worked.My boyfriend and i dated for two years and during that period i got pregnant and you know he was so happy i was carrying his child it was his idea that we keep the baby though i was going to keep it even when he said he was not ready.But he was most excited about the fact that we were going to have a baby.We went shopping on baby thing together, painted our baby room and did everything other thing about the baby together including being by my side when the doctor confirmed that we were going to have a baby girl. I have never seen him so happy as he was that day. Then the day i gave birth to my girl he came telling me he can't do this anymore. He said his too scared to be a dad he does not want to do anything to make his daughter hate him forever.It was so simple, all he had to do was to love her just as he love himself. Nothing i told him made him stay even when i told him what he was doing was going to create the hatred he didn't want between him and his daughter. Then he said i rather have it that way. I couldn't help it but to cry i mean how was i going to rise this child all alone and the thought of losing my man was i ever an ugly thing i pictured in my head. For crying out loud i don't need a child support all i needed was for him to be there with me and his daughter to protect us, to be there no her birthdays, and to be there for every holiday. Was that too much to ask from the father of my baby was it too much to ask him to love us just the way he use too? NO, i don't think so. It became obvious that he was unfaithful to me with another woman before and when i got pregnant because he move on so easily and started to date a girl i don't even know. And you know he even call to tell me he was seeing someone else. All I could think of was how to get my man and my family back. Tried all ideas online and they made thing worse i got arrested for troubling his home. That was when i made up my mind to contact AJAYI OLOLO a spell caster that so many people has made recommendations about online and also my sister told me about him before on how he has really been helpful to the world. I read a lot about him online all i read were positive comment about him because i could not find any negative one. Word has it that his words are true and grant you what you desire from him. So many testimonies about how he has restore a broken marriage, bring back your ex-lover, win lottery, and many more. All this thing i read made me contact. All he asked for was that materials for the spell be provide by me.I rather i sent him the money to purchase the materials than doing it myself so i sent him the money. He didn't charge me for his services like he said for it is against the spirit to ask money for their good work done. And believe with no time my child father was back and this time it was for sure he is never going anywhere. All i could see in his eye was love and nothing more. AJAYI OLOLO contact is: He solves all problem.