Name: Grace
Author: Morris Gleitzman
Author: Morris Gleitzman
Release Date: 3rd Feb 2011
Date I finished it: 25th May 2012
Source: Paperback bought from Amazon

Grace has been brought up with strict religious beliefs, in school she is taught that outsiders are all sinners and she must avoid contact with them. At home however her father allows Grace to think for herself, and answers all her questions as truthfully as possible.
This leads to Grace also asking questions about God, the church elders and even her school teachers. About whether they are following God in the right way or not.
After one to many questions, Grace's father is banished from the community for poisoning her mind. Grace soon realises that she may never see her father again and tries everything she can to get him welcomed back into the church.
I really enjoyed this book, even though it's a quick read (180 pages or so) it's message is strong.
Throughout the book Grace is constantly talking to God and asking for his advice and help, even after her family is torn apart. She believes in herself and believes that she is doing the right thing, even though in this book the right thing leads to more punishment for Grace.
It is a book aimed at younger readers but at 25 I still liked it.
The only thing missing for me was background. I would have liked to have seen more about the family before this tragedy struck, I also would have liked to have known more about the church they belonged to.
Considering the subject matter I know this book isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea. But the book doesn't encourage nor discourage any religion, it simply tells a story.
Overall I did enjoy it, younger readers would probably get more out of the moral and messages in the book though.
Interesting. Not sure it would be one I would read but fantastic review.