I know I totally abandoned this blog in 2013 but one of my New Year resolutions for 2014 is to read more and blog about it, yay!
I have been completely out of the book scene for almost a full year now, while I have still been reading I haven't been blogging about book, taking to other people online and offline about books, neither have I been keeping up with new book releases...I am a terrible person, I know!
So why not start the new year by showing you some of the books I got for Christmas and picked up in the sales/with Christmas money.

Nothing really too exciting there, I did get the special shiny editions of The Hunger Games and I love them! I'm almost finished Allegiant, after saying I probably wouldn't read it after seeing all the spoilers I am completely hooked with it! A few manga bind-ups from my boyfriend, I have read Death Note before but the black editions look really pretty!
So hopefully you will be hearing more from me this year!