But here is my January book haul for you all to enjoy!


From the Library

And before you all start jumping to conclusions, no I am not pregnant. I have applied to go back to uni to study midwifery and have my interview coming up. So thought I would do some reading on the topic so I have something to talk about at the interview :)
Bought a lot more than I intended to this past month, although it was my birthday and I decided to spend some of my birthday money on books. I did go a little out of my comfort zone this time, buying some popular/recent adult books instead of YA. Really want to try some new genres this year.
I don't think I will be doing a big haul like this again for a while, as currently I have 420 un-read books on my shelves! So I will be trying to make a dent in those ones after I've finished the library books!