Friday, July 29, 2011

Updated review policy

I have updated my review policy which is here
The main changes are to review requests from indie/self published authors.
From now on I will have a certain amount of spots open every month for reviews, once they are filled thats it sorry, no more for that month!

With the one exception being to self published authors I have previously worked with. If they ask for a review, they will probably get it (especially in the case of a book series), regardless of how many spots are still open for that month.

As much as I really want to and try to support self published authors and help to get their work the recognition they deserve. I am just one person. I have other published books that I enjoy and want to read, I have an ever growing pile of review copies from publishers, and I also have other interests outside of reading and book blogging which have been pretty much been put on hold for the last few months while BelleBooks really started to take off.
Now that my blog is a bit more established, I feel that this is the time to take a step back and this is the way that I am going to do it.

I hope you can all understand and respect my decision and the new review guidelines for the blog. Hopefully from now on I won't feel under so much pressure and can get back into reading for enjoyment rather than feeling like I have to read this in one day to get a review posted!

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