Name: Blood Moon (Drake Chronicles #5)
Author: Alyxandra Harvey
Release Date: 5th July 2012
Date I finished it: 31st May 2012
Source: Review Copy from Publishers

Oh my gosh where do I even begin with this book?!
It's fair to say that I have fell in love with all seven of the Drake brothers while reading this series. I really wish they were real and I could date a different one every day of the week!
This is the fifth book in the Drake Chronicles by Alyxandra Harvey, if you haven't read any of the series yet I highly recommend you start right now, cause these boys are hot!!
This time around the point of view switches from Lucy, Solange and Nicholas. I'm really glad we get to see things from Nicholas' point of view, I think secretly he is my favourite Drake boy. Don't let the rest of them know that though!!
After the major cliff hanger ending book four, Bleeding Hearts left us on I was desperate for this book! When Bloomsbury UK kindly offered me a review copy I actually squealed and jumped around my room a little. I was so excited about getting to read more about the characters I've grown to love and to find out what is in store for Lucy and Solange this time around!
I don't want to talk to much about the main plot in this book, as I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't caught up with the series yet. Let's just say there was a lot of unexpected twists that came out of nowhere!
I'm a fan of plot twists, and usually I can sense them coming, but I was completely taken by surprise with this book.
Alyxandra's writing and plotting just gets better and better with each book. I feel sometimes that a series with more that 4 books in it can feel a bit dragged out at times. I've never once thought that with any of the books in the Drake Chronicles. Alyxandra manages to weave this magical world she has created into your head and make you believe you are part of it.
It's so easy to get caught up in Lucy's world, believe me I've lost complete days to this series. Blood Moon is no exception, from page one I was hooked and could not put it down. The writing flows so well together and the plot is gripping and easy to follow.
Oh my gosh, the ending!! What can I say really?
I thought we would be left on some kind of cliff-hanger like with Bleeding Hearts, but it's so much worse! I actually screamed a little inside when I got to the last page, I didn't want the book to end, I wanted it to keep going.
I need to know what is going on with these characters, and what is going to happen now, especially with Solange! This wait for the next book is going to be agony, but it's the Drake boys so they are worth the wait!!
Thank you to Bloomsbury UK for sending me a review copy of Blood Moon!
Fab review! I need to catch up on this series.