Name: Fear (Witches of Santa Anna #12)
Author: Lauren Barnholdt
General Release Date: 28th June 20011
Date I finished it: 2nd August 2011
Type: Kindle Book
From: Amazon
My Rating: 4/5 stars
Another book in The Witches of Santa Anna series, this time things are really starting to pick up!
I think this may in fact be my favourite book of the series so far, there is so much drama and lots of twists and turns in Fear. It's kind of hard to keep up with who is dating who and what is going on!
In Fear readers are introduced to a new group of people, and as usual Lauren manages to surround these people in mystery and not give away too many details about them just yet. All I know it that I don't trust them at all!
As I have come to expect from these mini novellas, the reader is left crying for more information and dying to know what is going to happen next!
I've spoke to Lauren on twitter and have been told that book 13 is going to be called Oblivion!
Hopefully it will be out soon, so I can find out the next part of Nat and Cam's story!
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