Name: The Vampire Stalker
Author: Allison Van Diepen
General Release Date: 1st June 2011
Date I finished it: 11th August 2011
Type: Hardback
From: Book Tour on UK Swap Shop
My Rating: 4/5 stars
I actually hadn't heard anything about this book at all until I signed up for a book tour for it at UK Swap Shop on Goodreads. The cover itself drew me in right away, I love the how everything is mostly black and dark and then this bright red book pops out at you, almost as if it doesn't belong in the scene. Which kind of ties in with the story.
The Vampire Stalker follows teenager Amy who has fallen head over heels in love with Alexander, a character in Amy's favourite book series (think of all the hype that comes with Twilight or Richelle Mead's books, now you have the idea)
As she finally gets her hands on the latest instalment of the book series she needs to read it over the weekend as to avoid any spoilers in school on Monday! Amy and her friends are mad for this book series, and the whole first part of the book revolves around talk of this Otherworld the books are set in.
But when Amy is saved from an attacker while walking home, she begins to realise her knight in shining armour is none other then Alexander, the book character she is madly in love with. After some explanation about how Alexander has ended up in Amy's world, they duo realise they have to find and kill Vigo. Alexander's mortal enemy who has also managed to cross over to the real world as well.
I really enjoyed this book, I can relate to Amy in her feelings of falling for a book character, I've been there too many times to count! I think the whole idea behind this book it something completely different and refreshing in the YA paranormal genre. It isn't something that has been done before (as far as I'm aware), and I'm sure most of us book lovers would thrilled if one of our favourite characters came to life in front of us!
I really liked the way Allison managed to mix the old with the new in this book, the Otherworld is a bit behind the times, and I found it hilarious reading about Amy taking Alexander shopping, and all the little pieces of new technology that Alexander hadn't seen before. All these little bits made the book seem more real to me, as if Allison had literally thought of everything that would challenge Alexander in our world today.
A lot of thought and careful detail went into this book, and you can tell that when you read it.
This book really did surprise me. I really did not expect to get so caught up in the story as much as I did.
It's a beautiful story and a plot I personally haven't come across. I loved it start to finish.
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I loved the characters! Alexander was an excellent lead character and Amy was the perfect match for him. I also loved meeting some of the other characters and really wished I could have spent more time with all of them. I would love for this book to have a second one, or maybe I will take my first foray into fan fiction.
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