Name: Oblivion (Witches of Santa Anna #13)
Author: Lauren Barnholdt
General Release Date: 17th August 2011
Date I finished it: 18th August 2011
Type: Kindle book
From: Review copy from author
My Rating: 4/5 stars
Firstly a massive Thank You to Lauren Barnholdt who very kindly gifted me a copy of Oblivion to read and review.
As most of you will already know I love this series!
A lot of bloggers I know have given up on this series, or are waiting for all the short novellas to be released together as one book before they start up with the series again. I on the other hand am completely hooked, I honestly search Amazon at least twice a week to see if any new books in the series has been released yet!
Oblivion is the thirteenth book in the Witches of Santa Anna series and it is also the last book in season two of the series.
At first when season one ended I was a little confused about the whole thing, I didn't really know how many more books there would be and I still don't!
The way Oblivion ended, I know there has to be third season!
Like almost every book in this series so far, Oblivion leaves us on a cliffhanger ending, which I have now come to expect from all of Lauren's books!
As usual Oblivion is only a short novella and takes about half an hour to read.
Even though it is short, it is not short on action!
I really enjoyed this book, as a reader a got a bit more of a glimpse into what is actually going on in the Santa Anna world as I do with every new book in the series.
Again there are a few twists in the plot line, and just when I think I know what is going to happen next, bam something new happens which changes everything!
Overall I love this series and I am going to be sticking with it, although I am looking forward to a bit of a break between seasons two and three.
Hey love the blog :) I'm having a giveaway for a chance to win an ARC or some swag if you want to check it out :D
Thanks Hayley. I would enter but it's US/CAN only and I'm in the UK :(