Name: The Glassheart Chronicles
Author: Courtney Cole, Fisher Amelie, J. L. Bryan, Wren Emerson, Tiffany King, Amy Jones, Nicole Williams
General Release Date: 28th July 2011
Date I finished it: 4th August 2011
Type: Kindle Book
From: Amazon
My Rating: 4/5 stars
I really love short story collections and anthologies plus two of my favourite indie authors have stories in The Glassheart Chronicles. So when I saw it on Amazon I just had to buy it right away!
This collection has seven different stories in it. Some of the authors I had heard of before and some of them I hadn't.
This review is going to be on the collection overall, rather then individually critiquing seven short stories.
The stories all work well together, they all have the same YA paranormal vibe to them. I actually really enjoyed reading them all one after another although you could easily read one then go back to the book later on to read another story.
I think that is one of the main things I enjoy about short stories, you don't feel rushed to finish the book in one sitting. Readers can take their time and just read one story at a time and still get the true feelings behind the individual story and the entire collection.
Now I'm not going to lie, I bought this collection solely for two stories, Courtney Cole's and Wren Emerson's. As both their short stories tie in with their current book series, The Bloodstone Saga and The Witches of Desire, which I have read and loved!
Along the way though I soon discovered the J.L Bryan story which relates to his Jenny Pox/Paranormals series. I have had Jenny Pox on my Kindle forever and still have not got around to reading it yet, reading his short story in this collection has given me the kick I needed to finally start it!
I also loved Tiffany King's short story. I had heard of her before, but never really looked into any of her work. I now have a copy of her book Meant To Be to read as well after this collection.
I also loved the other stories in the book, I just haven't had a chance to research the authors or their work yet, but believe me I will!
I think The Glassheart Chronicles is a great addition to any YA reader's Kindle.
It certainly introduced me to some new indie authors I didn't know about before and the stories themselves give a great taster of each author's writing styles and books.
Not everyone will love every single story in this collection, but there is a great mix and I do believe that there is something for everyone in here. For people who are wondering about indie authors, but are not really too sure where to start I think this would be a great starting point to break into the world on indie books.
Great series. Looking forward to reading the entire series, author is very creative. Price is also great, low prices are nice.
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