Thursday, September 15, 2011

Review: Moonlight (Dark Guardians #1) - Rachel Hawthorne

Name: Moonlight (Dark Guardians #1) 

Author: Rachel Hawthorne

General Release Date: 3rd March 2009

Date I finished it: 8th September 2011

Type: Paperback

From: Charity Shop

My Rating: 4/5 stars

This is one series I've had sitting on my shelves for a while, but just never got around to reading it. I haven't heard much about this series in the book blogging world so it kind of went near the bottom of my to be read list.
So when I finally picked it up I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed this book.

Moonlight follows Kayla whose parents where killed when she was young, her adoptive parents brought her back to the forest they were killed in to help her get over some of her fears and problems. She loved the forest so much she has came back this summer, but this time it's in order to be a Sherpa, which is a forest guide to you and me.

The Sherpa's are a tight knit little group and Kayla is lucky to have been accepted as one of them so quickly.
When the group takes out their first hiking party of the summer things start to take a turn for the worse when then hiking group reveal that they are out looking for werewolves.

I'm not going to give too much of the plot away, but I was hooked on this book from page one. I read it in one sitting, which isn't something I've done in quite a while. There haven't been many YA Paranormal books that have kept my attention for that long recently.
I loved the story of Kayla and her search for the truth, then adapting to that discovery.
There is also a romance element to Moonlight as well, which in my opinion is brilliantly wrote and completely believable.

Every page had something new for the group of friends to figure out or overcome, it is also packed full of action and suspense. I really think this is going to become my new favourite werewolf series!


  1. Great review! I need to read this series! (:

    Haley from

  2. I really enjoyed this series. Glad you liked it to. Nice review.



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