Author: Rachel Hawkins
Release Date: 2010
Date I finished it: 23rd Feb 2012
Source: Bought

Raising Demons is the second book in the Hex Hall series by Rachel Hawkins.
I started reading this one right after finishing Hex Hall, I was actually pretty glad that I had it to hand as I wanted to continue on with the story.
Raising Demons follows Sophie as she learns and try to deal with her family secret, she is in fact a demon. One of only two in the world, the other being her father. She is also trying to come to terms with the fact that her friend is dead, murdered by the ghost of her grandmother and the boy she has a crush on is actually a member of The Eye, a group whose sole purpose it is to destroy witches, fairies, vampires etc. Sophie is toying with the idea of going through the removal, which will either take her powers away completely, leaving her scarred for life. Or it will kill her.
And if that wasn't enough to deal with Sophie's father who is the head of the council and who she has never met before shows up at Hex Hall, offering to whisk her away to London for the summer.
Anyone else's head spinning yet?!
Even though this is a bit of a complex book and there is a lot going on, it does all seem to fall into place. Trust me it does!
I loved getting to finally meet Sophie's dad. We had heard bit and pieces about him in Hex Hall, especially with him being head of the council. He is pretty much exactly like I imagined him, think of a younger version of Giles from you get the picture!
I liked the new setting for Raising Demons, the house in England sounded amazing, I wanted to move in there!
It was really neat seeing everyone in the house using magic so openly, especially when it is kind of frowned upon by the teachers in Hex Hall.
This series is really starting to grow on me even more with this book, I gave this one 5 stars.
Mostly because of all the witty banter going on with the characters, honestly there were some moments this book had tears streaming down my face with laughter! Which is something a bit odd when you think that at it's core it is a YA paranormal book. Who said paranormal can't be funny at the same time?! The one thing that will stick in my mind probably forever is Bad Wolf. If you've read the books you'll know what I'm talking about!
After saying that Jenna was my favourite character in Hex Hall, I've done a complete turnaround this time and in Raising Demons Sophie is my favourite character! Although she does act young for her age I felt in this book she has grown up quite a lot. She proves herself time and time again to her friends and family who aren't too sure if they believe in her yet and she stands up for what she believes is right.
The ending of the book left me completely shocked! Authors should not be allowed to leave a book on a cliffhanger ending ever! I'm so glad that I recieved an advanced copy of Spellbound because I picked that up as soon as I finished Raising Demons.
I rreally need to start reading this series, Ive heard so many great things about it. Great review!! x