First off, this is a pretty short and quick read, I read it one sitting. Do not let that put you off, or make you think that it is just a piece of YA book fluff, it is not!
This book centres around Kyra, and it is told from her point of view. Kyra is 13 and lives in a polygamous community with her father, three mothers and twenty brothers and sisters. Kyra has a simple life, doing housework and helping to take care of the little ones. She has never questioned her religion or what she's been told before, but recently things have started to change, the new prophet has put up a fence around the compound, banned all books which are not the bible, imposed much stricter rules and recently Kyra has been sneaking books like Harry Potter from a mobile library into the compound.
Kyra is then chosen by the prophet to be married. Married to her sixty year old uncle that is. Despite her protests, and her fathers the wedding is to go ahead and preparations are made and a wedding dress sewn for Kyra.
Things get worse for Kyra, and she notices that she's being watched everywhere she goes, not only that she is already in love, with a boy her own age and wants to marry him one day, not her uncle.
Without giving away the ending, I can safely say this book really moved me and I found myself willing Kyra to get away from the prophet. This really is such a good book and I would recommend it to anyone!
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