4/5 Stars
Silver Frost is the third book in the Frost series by Kailin Gow.
This time around we are back in Feyland and with the Summer Queen dead Breena is crowned the new Summer Queen. Although she is unsure if she can trust the previous queen's advisor's they are acting strange around her. Breena must come up with a plan to stop the war between the Winter and Summer court once and for all and she isn't sure who to turn to for help.
I loved this book! The plot and character development was much better than in the previous two books in this series. We also got to see more of the Winter Court and it's royal family and get to know them a bit better, which I really enjoyed.
There is of course that crazy love triangle going on as with the previous books, and the situation only getting better and more juicier as the series goes on. Logan is starting to grow on me, and I really feel for him. But I still love Kian and believe he and Breena should be together.
The book is fast paced and action packed, which I like in my books. It makes is easier to get enthralled in the story and forget the world going on around you. Silver Frost is no exception to that, I was truly swept into a different world with this book and read it in one sitting as I just couldn't bear to pull myself away from the story.
With each new book, this series just gets better and better!
This book was the turn around book in the series, up till this point the books were good but this one was great! It really pulled me in and made me feel like I knew and understood the characters better.
The ending left me completely gob-smacked, I literally was screaming at my Kindle and could not believe what I was reading!
I can't wait to see what the rest of this series brings!
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