I decided to do a review on all three of these books, as they are only small novellas and I read them one after another in one sitting.
I first heard about this series from a few of my friends on Goodreads and decided to check them out on Amazon, seeing how cheap they were I went ahead and bought them.
I got sucked into the story right away, and like I said I read them all back to back! All three books are captivating and well written. The main character Chloe does seem very mature for her age, I did have to keep reminding myself that she is only 14, and not 16 or 17 as the main characters in most YA usually are.
The story line follow Chloe as she witnesses her mother's murder before her very eyes, by vampires. Not just any vampires of course, ones sent to kidnap Chloe and take her back to her father. Having no clue about her father, Chloe soon comes to realise that he is a vampire and suddenly all the moving about she has had to do over the years makes sense, her mother has been trying to protect her.
Safe from the vampire in her newly acquainted grandfather's house, Chloe begins to learn that her mother was a vampire hunter, and a pretty darn good one at that. Which also makes Chloe very unique, she is the offspring of a vampire and a vampire hunter, what on earth could that mean for her future?
I really enjoyed these books, they are well written, easy to follow and the story is unbelievably easy to get caught up in. So caught up in fact I didn't ever hear my phone ringing 3 separate times while I was reading these!
Chloe is a great main character, she is lovable and easy to relate to. She is the kind of main character I love in YA books, young but mature for her age, courageous but also a little insecure at times. All of these qualities make her seem more real to the reader.
The plot line is something fresh in the YA Paranormal market, vampire books are usually mostly always have the same concepts but these books are something different and unusual.
I especially liked the twist about Chloe's heritage and cannot wait to find out what happens in book 4!
Thank you for the wonderful review!