Today it was announced on Veronica Roth's website that the second book in the Divergent series will be called...

What the heck does that mean? Well Veronica has answered that for us as well..
1755–65; < Latin insurgent- (stem of insurgÄ“ns ) present participle of insurgere: to get up, ascend, rebel.
1. a person who rises in forcible opposition to lawful authority, especially a person who engages in armed resistance to a government or to the execution of its laws; rebel.
2. a member of a section of a political party that revolts against the methods or policies of the party.
3. one that acts contrary to the established leadership (as of a political party, union, or corporation) or its decisions and policies
4. (international law) a person or group that rises in revolt against an established government or authority but whose conduct does not amount to belligerency
Veronica also states that:
"Not all of those definitions are equally applicable to the book-- some are more spot-on than others. But I won't tell you which ones yet."
This has all been taken from Veronica Roth's blog which can be found HERE
I'm getting excited now.