I received an arc of this book from Netgalley, and it took me a while to finish it. Not because I didn't like it, I just kept putting it down and starting something else.
So now I have finally finished it, I wasn't too sure about the book at the beginning but after a while I really started to like the story.
It is a kind of mix between a fantasy, magic, and dystopian novel, with a bit of strong feeling about being green and saving the planet thrown in!
The story follows Kelsa, a 15 year old girl whose father has recently passed away. While still trying to come to terms with his death a strange boy keeps appearing everywhere she goes telling her she must come with him and help him.
Finally Kelsa gives in and hears what he has got to say, and agrees to help him. This then leads to a road trip where Kelsa has to use magic to help save the world. Of course nothing is ever as simple as that, there is a number of people who don't want Kelsa to succeed and a lot of obstacles standing in her way.
I did enjoy this book, although I hated the ending, I don't want to give away the ending but lets just say it was not what I expected!
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