Name: Guardian
Author: Courtney Cole
General Release Date: 1st July 2011
Date I finished it: 22nd August 2011
Type: Paperback
From: Review copy from author
My Rating: 4/5 stars
Firstly, a massive thank you to Courtney for sending me a review copy of Guardian!
To be honest, I've lost track of how many of Courtney's books I've actually read now, but each and everyone of them I thought were brilliant and Guardian is no exception to that!
Guardian follows sixteen year old Whitney as she struggles to keep her family together after her father's death.
Her mother has been pretty out of it for a while now, but her mental health is rapidly deteriorating. Whitney is trying to keep her mother's problems a secret from friends by taking on all of her responsibilities when it comes to running the house and taking care of her six year old sister.
Whitney is also a normal teenage girl, she has relationship dramas and is trying to pass drivers ed and get her license as well as deal with her own grief over the loss of her father and when her guardian angel shows up things just go from weird to crazy for Whitney.
I loved this book so much, it was my first "angel" book and it has really made me want to read more books of the angel persuasion. Which is good since I have a few already in my to be read pile!
I really liked the fact that the main plot did not surround angels or anything paranormal really. The real grit of the story is about a girl coming to terms with her fathers death. To me the paranormal stuff was a behind the scenes story really.
Don't get me wrong I loved the paranormal parts to it, but for me it was a kind of added extra in the book.
As always Courtney has managed to write such an amazing twist in this book like she always does!
I honestly did not see that one coming, but once I read it a lot of things started to make sense to me.
I really loved seeing Whitney grow and the grief start to subside a bit as the book progressed.
The writing in this book is amazing, you can tell that Guardian was written from the heart and it touched a nerve in me. I'm not going to lie, I did have a few tears running down my face while reading this!
Even though there is the angel element to this book, it is completely believable.
Overall Guardian is fantastic and I think one of Courtney' best books yet!
Ooo, you've talked me into it - I have to read this one! :)
ReplyDeleteThis sounds good - I'm putting in on my wishlist. Loved your review!
ReplyDeleteI've never read a book by this author before, thank you for the recommendation and the review. I'm adding it to my TBR list